HTC is Allowed to Resume the Sales of One Mini in the UK

HTC One MiniAfter receiving the import and sales ban, HTC One Mini has been cleared for consumers in the United Kingdom. The Court of Appeals has also previously lifted the ban for the full-fledged HTC One, noting that it would seriously impair the presence of Taiwan-based company in the United Kingdom. Although previously the One Mini didn’t obtain the same favor, the new development should be a breath of fresh air for both HTC and fans. Nokia disputed that HTC has infringed its patent #08998024 related to the modular structure for mobile station and transmitter.

The infringement isn’t quite HTC’s fault, since the presence of this technology on the One Mini comes courtesy of popular processor manufacturer, Qualcomm. The technology is also being used by Sony, LG, BlackBerry and Apple. Up until now, Nokia hasn’t sued them. This is HTC’s main argument and for that reason, the UK Court of Appeals has granted a stay of execution.

HTC is experiencing a downward trend and it literally can’t afford to have an One model removed from shelves in major markets, including the United Kingdom. Yet, the legal battle will still continue on as the court already ruled the Taiwan-based company does in fact violate a few Nokia patents.

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