As a part of the phase 2 Uncarrier strategy, it becomes quite clear that T-Mobile is on the brink of announcing the “Simple Choice no credit check” plan. Subscribers would find similarities with FlexPay, which offers carrier’s full rate plan to customers without burdening subscribers with high deposit and credit check.
The SCNC (Simple Choice with no credit check) is suitable for prepaid subscribers who want unrestricted and unlimited family-based plan without being subjected to potentially troubling credit check.
Pricing should be similar to T-Mobile’s current Simple Choice rate, except for the data plan structure, which is consisted of three tiers of data plan, 500MB for each member of the family, 2.5GB for the entire family and unlimited with 500MB for tethering.
There is also a separate mobile broadband plan offered to users; 500MB, 2.5GB and 4.5GB. Subscribers will be asked to pay upfront for the device, because there’s no equipment installment plan.